Tuesday, August 31, 2010

We-Verb: Two years of aural bliss.

I had to get this in before August ended (Jesus, it's September already?), We-Verb is 2! Ah, the terrible two's, which can only mean that the coming year will be filled with becoming more independent and making life hell for those around us.

Ahh, but what year isn't about that?

Our Boeing project is currently in the mixing stage, and will be posted as soon as it has been finalized and bounced from surround to stereo. Our audio program at school has literally doubled, so also look forward to some tutorials and forthcoming projects.

The recent influx of Pro Tools HD gear, and the Mbox 3 has been triggering talks of "What the hell is Avid up to?" on Gearslutz. Warning: Do not read if you are still working through ADC (automatic delay compensation) trauma with your therapist.

And finally, the Audio Engineering Society will be holding its convention this November in San Francisco, and you will be getting live coverage from your favorite audio blog (ahem).

So thank you for your support of two years, and you can look forward to another year of audio kick-assery*!!

*That's right, we write about audio AND make new nouns.