Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Showing Off

Ok, so this may be totally whore-esque, but recently, A.R. and I have been kicking ass and taking names in our respective field-of-current-choice (Please note that we both kick ass in many of the same, as well as differing, fields).

Analogue Razor.- This is completely unadulterated by any plug-in or mixing (sans a L2007 on the master fader, because, you know, it's the equivalent of Pro Tools crack, once you start using it there is no end)... there will be a more polished version published later, but if anyone wants to hear the concept of sexy personified aurally (sorry to be unprofessional... but holy shit!), you should listen to this, like now.

He played the drums, bass, and guitar... so talented!!!!

BlytheRocks- A very lesser version of awesome, since it's only mixing, but I'm mixing some fantastic talent, so it makes it a lot better:

So, coming soon, the session details of Analogue Razor's recording, and maybe a concert review of the best night my existence (read: Of Montreal. In SF... ecstasy.)

Also, if anyone is curious, Pro Tools 8 is on pre-order on Sweetwater for only $149.99... only $50 less than I had verbally speculated... sweet!.. water.

1 comment:

Eric Oxford said...

lets bring some of that digital mixing magic to oaktown!